Python Tic-Tac-Toe

Since I was a part of the graduation class of 2020, I was offered a special opportunity to take a free college course over the summer. Being that I had no clue what I wanted to major in, I went through the different classes and ended up choosing to take an introductory computer science course for whatever reason that I can’t seem to remember. In this course, the coding language that was taught was Python and like any other class during 2020, I was given a set of videos, coding practice, and homework for each remaining week of the summer. The homework started with learning how to print “Hello World” and then, of course, became more and more difficult such as how to make different functions and how to use them together in your main code block.

As the name states, this project represented a Tic-Tac-Toe game that is played between two players. The first player has the choice of choosing whether they want to be X or O, after this, the game is then started. As each player chooses a spot, the program prompts the player whether or not they want to continue the game or end it. When the game ended, my program promised the players who won or if it ended in a draw.

During my time implementing each function and then fitting them into the correct places I want them to be used in my main code block, I found how time-consuming and frustrating it can be when dealing with large amounts of lines of code. Sometimes it was overwhelming, but I took some deep breaths, worked the code for a couple hours a day, and in the end, I was able to complete my project. I also learned that there are a lot of online tools and references on the internet that came in handy when I got stuck trying to figure out how certain pieces of code work. Overall, I had fun and enjoyed working on this coding project.

Link to my Python code: Tic-Tac-Toe.